
Quick Update

Hey everybody! I've been having some issues with blogger and may begin moving to wordpress. I've already moved my adoption blog.

Thank you to Summer for hosting Unschooling Voices #14. I know I'm late in posting about it (and that I haven't updated the main UV page yet) but I've been extra swamped lately and I will definitely take care of it next week.



Anonymous said...

HI.. can you share why you are facing some issues with Blogger? I am using Blogger and I am a bit worried ;0

Anonymous said...

Can you also share your experiencing with blogger & wordpress both. I have to decide which one is better. presently i have blogger account.

Anonymous said...

when exactly are you moving? i think your latest post here was updated 6/28, just wondering cause i enjoyed reading your posts... thanks

Anonymous said...

good, nice thought its better to move to wordpress from blogger. there are several advantages in wordpress.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I alse face problems with blog. I dont know who to start it and how should I choose the topic?

Anonymous said...

I think you'll be happy with wordpress. I've started blogging (candy recipes) and I've used blogger and wordpress, and I've found wordpress to be very simple and user friendly. I love it