
Taking Children Seriously

THE DAILY GROOVE ~ by Scott Noelle

:: Taking Children Seriously ::

We live in a society that doesn't take children seriously. Sure, we care deeply about children's welfare; we do our best to help them to grow into healthy, successful adults.

But we, as a society, rarely take children seriously the way they take *themselves* seriously. To children, *play* is serious business -- channeling enormous creative energies and making huge discoveries. But to adult society, it's "just" play, so interrupting or limiting it is not a big deal.

To children, *feelings* are extremely important, not "just" feelings.

If you want to take your child more seriously, don't do it the conventional adult way, which is to assign *weight* to the child's concerns. That only teaches heaviness.

Children take *lightness* seriously. And when you take their lightness seriously, *you* benefit by learning to take yourself *less* seriously! :-)

http://dailygroove.net/seriously Feel free to forward this message to your friends! (Please include this paragraph and everything above.) Copyright (c) 2007 by Scott Noelle


Anonymous said...

Yes, if only we can learn not to take ourselves seriously, our relationships, not only with children but with every living being will be glorious.