
Hello everyone!

Just a quick post to everyone to say hello and thank you for your condolences and thoughts. They have helped me through the hardest month of my life and your friendship means the world to me.

We're getting ready for a trip back home to New York City on September 6th to have a memorial service for my mother and I'll be back to regular blogging and editing Unschooling Voices when I get back, which will be towards the end of September. I plan on the next edition of Unschooling Voices (which is #10) for October 1 so keep sending in your submissions. You can click "Unschooling Voices" in the right sidebar for contact information and details.

There are a bunch of comments that I haven't approved yet due to lack of time to properly respond. If you haven't yet seen your comment show up, it will be posted as soon as I get back to blogging next month.

Thank you again for your thoughts-it means everything to me.