

New update: With so much sadness in my heart, I have to post that my mother passed away yesterday. She's had a lifetime of health issues that her body just couldn't fight anymore. Through it all she was the happiest, most positive person I knew. I learned so much from her about life and how to live it. I won't be around for a while but I will return because she showed me that life is to much of a gift to not live it.


I just posted the other day about the storms we've been having and they're still going on. It's been lighting, thundering and raining every day for the last week. On top of it, my mom is back in the hospital and things don't look so good. I'm going to hold off on Unschooling Voices #10 so feel free to keep sending in submissions and it'll be up as soon as I can properly focus on it. Please keep my mom in your thoughts. :-)


mandaroo63 said...

Oh Joanne, I am so so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart goes out to you. If there is anything I can do please let me know. i will be thinking of you.......

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Joanne, I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear you sad news. We can wait for the carnival. You look after yourself. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Tracy Million Simmons said...

My thoughts are with you.

Karen Edmisten said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers for you all.

Admin said...

Joanne and family, I'm so sorry that this happened. Please accept my sympathy and you'll be in my meditations. I know you have many, many happy memories to help you remember her and how she always chose happiness over sadness, in spite of her health issues. I'm so glad that she had you to support her at the end of her life. My mom, who was 87, died a little over 18 months ago and she was an optimist too. I miss her.

Diana said...

my wife and i are both very sad to hear of your loss! our thoughts are with you!

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to read of the loss of your mother. I lost my mother 20 years ago, and I miss her every day.

Hanley Family said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. Take care...

Anonymous said...


I am so sorry to learn of your loss. If there is anything that you need, please don't hesitate to ask for it.


Anonymous said...

I'm a first time reader (bad timing) but my heart and prayers go out to you. I've experienced losing my Mother at a young age, and I have yet to come across anything more painful. I really do wish you the best.

Anonymous said...

I am very VERY sorry to hear that! My prayers are out for your family!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. I took care of my mom for the last 6 months of her life and it was one of the hardest and best things I have done ever. It has been five years and I know that both myself and my family was enriched by it all.

Ladybug Mommy Maria said...

I am so very sorry for your loss.

Take good care - you're all in our thoughts and prayers.

piscesgrrl said...

This sort of pain runs deep - be gentle with yourself as you heal and grieve. I'm sorry for your loss - and I wish you peace and an abundance of love.


L. J. Lowe said...

Oh, Joanne, I am so sorry about you losing your mom. Please know that you're loved and cared about all over the place.

Sending you peace and prayers.


Ren Allen said...

Ah geez. Tuning in a bit late as usual. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I miss my Mum terribly four years after she died. I'm so glad you had a good relationship with her....that's something that death and time can never take.

Much love to you.

mandaroo63 said...

Just checking in again to let you know I'm thinking of you......

The Shepcarpclan said...

I am so sorry for you loss. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.

Anonymous said...


majikfaerie said...

I'm so touched by your words about your mother

Babette said...

So sorry to hear about your loss. She sounds like an amazing brave woman.

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear this, take care yourself,mate...

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. {{HUGS}}

Schuyler said...

Oh, Joanne. I just stopped by to see how life was going for you, I hadn't seen your name or read your kind words for such a long time. I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

Our family is sorry for your loss

Michelle said...

I am sorry to hear about your loss, my Father passed away in May of this year. He was a very young- old hippy, it's a hard-hard thing to go through and no one can prepare you for it. -Michelle

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your loss. I just stopped by because I saw your blog on a I Follow list. We home school in Canada. We have 4 (16,14,12 and 10) who have always been home educated and we have used very little curriculum until later in their education, so we are not completely un-schooling any more. I have browsed; you have good info on your blog. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Oh thats to bad. Im sorry for your loss.

The Shepcarpclan said...

I hope things are going well for you. I understand this time very well. I lost my mother 15 years ago and remember the time vividly to this day. She was very ill most of my life and always told me to honor her when she was gone by living life to the fullest. Hang in there.

Joanne said...

Thank you so much. I have tears in my eyes while reading all the love pouring from the page.